Since the HPCC OS transition to Ubuntu in summer 2024, R modules have changed. This tutorial applies to R in general; however, HPCC-specific module commands need to be updated by the users at the moment. We will revamp R-related tutorials in the near future.
Basic knowledge of R language, Linux, and the HPCC environment.
ssh -XY
ssh dev-amd20
We will be using R 4.0.2. To load
it: module purge; module load GCC/8.3.0 OpenMPI/3.1.4 R/4.0.2
Copy files that we are using in this workshop to your home
directory: cp -r /mnt/research/common-data/workshops/R-workshop .
R startup
When an R session starts, it looks for and loads two hidden configuration files, .Renviron and .Rprofile.
.Renviron: contains environment variables to be set in R sessions
.Rprofile: contains R commands to be run in R sessions
The following search order is applied: your current working directory,
your home directory, and the system-wide R_HOME/etc/ (you can use R
command R.home() to check path of R_HOME). Below are examples of the
two files which have been placed in our R workshop directory. You need
to use ls -a to list them since they are "hidden" files.
.Rprofile (an example)
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cat("Sourcing .Rprofile from the R-workshop directory.\n")# To avoid setting the CRAN mirror each time you run install.packages
options(width=100)# max number of columns when printing vectors/matrices/arrays
.First<-function()cat("##### R session begins for",paste(Sys.getenv("USER"),".",sep=""),"You are currently in",getwd(),"#####\n\n")
.Last<-function()cat("\n##### R session ends for",paste(Sys.getenv("USER"),".",sep=""),"You are currently in",getwd(),"#####\n\n")
Let's run a short Rscript command to see what we get:
Personalizing these two files can reduce code portability.
If you don't want R or Rscript to read any .Renviron or .Rprofile
files when starting an R session, use option --vanilla.
A caveat: if you explicitly export an R environment variable, such
as export R_LIBS_USER=~/Rlibs, then adding --vanilla will not
ignore its value. See below the result.
$Rscript--vanilla-e'.libPaths()'# .libPaths() is used to see the directories where R searches for libraries[1]"/opt/software/R/4.0.2-foss-2019b/lib64/R/library"
options: can be multiple; all beginning with --
(e.g., --vanilla as mentioned above). To learn about all the
options, run Rscript --help on the command line.
expression1, expression2 ...: can be one or multiple. They are R
source file: R source code.
args: arguments to be passed.
You may have both expressions and source file present in your Rscript
line. Here are a few one-liner examples:
Rscript one-liner examples
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# Ex1: simple loop$Rscript-e'for (i in 1:5) print(paste("g", i))'# Ex2: print time$Rscript-e'date()'# Ex3: quick math (calculating quotient and remainder)$Rscript-e'128 %/% 11'-e'128 %% 11'# Ex4: get help for command "paste"$Rscript-e'help(paste)'# Ex5: used in conjunction with pipe.# Generate three sets of random Normal variables with different means (sd all being one); means are given in file test.dat.$cat>test.dat# ctrl+D to go back when done typing11020$cattest.dat|Rscript-e'input_con <- file("stdin"); open(input_con); while (length(oneLine <- readLines(con = input_con, n = 1, warn = FALSE)) > 0) {print(rnorm(5,mean=as.numeric(oneLine)))};close(input_con)'
Using Rscript with source code
a. simple usage:
Instead of using '-e your_commands', we now put R commands in a source file and run it with Rscript. Below is an R script file and we can run Rscript multiplots.R to get a PDF file multiplots.pdf. To view it, run evince multiplots.pdf. Or, you can go to our OnDemand File Browser to open the file in your web browser.
multiplots.R: a very simple example of making 4 plots on the same page
We can also pass arguments to our R script, as shown in the example
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args<-commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)nargs<-length(args)for(iin1:nargs){cat("Arg",i,":",args[i],"\n")}cat("Generating",as.numeric(args[nargs-1]),"normal variables with mean =",as.numeric(args[nargs]),"and sd = 1 \n")rnorm(as.numeric(args[nargs-1]),mean=as.numeric(args[nargs]))
Running script args-1.R:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910
##### R session begins for longnany. You are currently in /mnt/home/longnany/Documents/11092017-R-Workshop #####
##### R session ends for longnany. You are currently in /mnt/home/longnany/Documents/11092017-R-Workshop #####
c. processing command line arguments with {getopt}:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314151617181920212223
require("getopt",quietly=TRUE)spec=matrix(c("Number","n",1,"integer","Mean","m",1,"double"),byrow=TRUE,ncol=4)# cf.;if(is.null(opt$Number)){n<-5}else{n<-opt$Number}if(is.null(opt$Mean)){m<-3}else{m<-opt$Mean}cat("Generating",n,"normal variables with mean =",m,"and sd = 1 \n")rnorm(n=n,mean=m)
Running the script args-2.R:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516
# Use long flag names
# Use short flag names
# No arguments provided so defaults are used
Submitting parallel jobs to the cluster using doParallel: single node, multiple cores
To submit a single-node job, we recommend the package doParallel.
The doParallel package is a "parallel backend" for the foreach package, making it possible to execute foreach loops in parallel.
doParallel supports two functionalities: multicore and snow. The most important difference between them is that multicore can only run tasks on a single node (computer) whereas snow can execute tasks on different nodes in a cluster. This leads to different commands for registering the parallel backend. In our example here, we are interested in using the multicore-like parallelism, since we are trying to use the many cores on a single compute node in the cluster. To learn more about their differences, you can refer to this discussion.
Example R code R_doParallel_singlenode.R: run 10,000 bootstrap iterations of fitting a logistic regression model
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library(doParallel)# Registering a parallel backend, using the "multicore" functionalityregisterDoParallel(cores=as.numeric(Sys.getenv("SLURM_CPUS_ON_NODE")[1]))x<-iris[which(iris[,5]!="setosa"),c(1,5)]trials<-10000ptime<-system.time({r<-foreach(icount(trials),.combine=cbind)%dopar%{ind<-sample(100,100,replace=TRUE)result1<-glm(x[ind,2]~x[ind,1],family=binomial(logit))coefficients(result1)}})[3]cat("Time elapsed:",ptime,"\n")cat("Currently registered backend:",getDoParName(),"\n")cat("Number of workers used:",getDoParWorkers(),"\n")print(str(r))# column-binded result
Now, submit the job to the HPCC through the following SLURM script submit-doParallel.sbatch:
#!/bin/bash# Job name:#SBATCH --job-name=doParallel_test## Number of nodes needed:#SBATCH --nodes=1## Tasks per node:#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1## Processors per task:#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4## Memory per node:#SBATCH --mem=500M## Wall time (e.g. "minutes", "hours:minutes:seconds", "days-hours", "days-hours:minutes"):#SBATCH --time=3:00:00## Standard out and error:#SBATCH --output=%x-%j.SLURMoutecho"This script is from ICER's R doParallel example"
The output file R_doParallel_singlenode.Rout should look like:
Time elapsed: 8.946
Currently registered backend: doParallelMC
Number of workers used: 4
num [1:2, 1:10000] -14.6 2.26 -11.86 1.91 -7.75 ...
- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
..$ : chr [1:2] "(Intercept)" "x[ind, 1]"
..$ : chr [1:10000] "result.1" "result.2" "result.3" "result.4" ...
Submitting parallel jobs to the cluster using pbdMPI: multiple nodes
MPI stands for Message Passing Interface, and is the standard for managing multi-node communication. The R package
Rmpi is an implementation of it for R. Because of its complicated usage, here we will use another R package, pbdMPI, which greatly simplifies the use of MPI from R.
pbdMPI is a more recent R MPI package developed under the pbdR project, which simplifies MPI interaction and thus reduces the traffics of node-to-node communication. It works in Single Program/Multiple Data (SPMD) mode, which is an important distinction as compared with Rmpi.
As an illustration, we consider the problem of computing the log likelihood of data following a 2-dimensional Multi-Variate Normal (MVN) distribution. The example below applies Cholesky decomposition on the 2-by-2 covariance matrix (code line 25 below), solves a system of linear equations (line 30), followed by some matrix/vector operation (line 31). Line 30 and 31 are where MPI plays a vital role via distributed computing.
Below is a graphic illustration of solving a system of linear equations by part so as to be able to distribute the task. To learn more about the underlying mechanism, you can take a look at this note.
# Load pbdMPI and initialize the communicatorlibrary(pbdMPI,quiet=TRUE)init()# Check"All processes start...\n\n")msg<-sprintf("I am rank %d on host %s of %d processes\n",comm.rank(),["nodename"],comm.size()),all.rank=TRUE,quiet=TRUE)# quiet=T tells each rank not to "announce" itself when it's printingset.seed(1234)N<-100p<-2X<-matrix(rnorm(N*p),ncol=p)mu<-c(0.1,0.2)Sigma<-matrix(c(0.9,0.1,0.1,0.9),ncol=p)# Load data partially by processorsid.get<-get.jid(N)X.spmd<-matrix(X[id.get,],ncol=p)"\nPrint out the matrix on each process/rank:\n\n",quiet=TRUE)comm.print(X.spmd,all.rank=TRUE,quiet=TRUE)# Cholesky decompositionU<-chol(Sigma)# U'U = Sigmalogdet<-sum(log(abs(diag(U))))# Call R's backsolve function for each chunk of the data matrix X (i.e. B.spmd)B.spmd<-t(X.spmd)-muA.spmd<-backsolve(U,B.spmd,upper.tri=TRUE,transpose=TRUE)# U'A = Bdistval.spmd<-colSums(A.spmd*A.spmd)# Use sum as the reduction operationsum.distval<-allreduce(sum(distval.spmd),op="sum")total.logL<--0.5*(N*(p*log(2*pi)+logdet*2)+sum.distval)#"\nFinal log-likelihood:\n\n",quiet=TRUE)comm.print(total.logL,quiet=TRUE)finalize()
#!/bin/bash# Job name:#SBATCH --job-name=pbdMPI_test## Number of MPI tasks:#SBATCH --ntasks=20## Processors per task:#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1## Memory:#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=800M## Wall clock limit (e.g. "minutes", "hours:minutes:seconds", "days-hours", "days-hours:minutes"):#SBATCH --time=30## Standard out and error:#SBATCH --output=%x-%j.SLURMoutecho"This script is from ICER's R pdbMPI example"echo"SLURM_NTASKS: $SLURM_NTASKS"
# Suppress warnings about forks and missing CUDA librariesexportOMPI_MCA_mpi_warn_on_fork=0exportOMPI_MCA_mpi_cuda_support=0
Now, submit the job by sbatch --constraint="[intel16|intel18|amd20|amd22]" submit-pbdMPI.sbatch. When finished, MVN.Rout should contain the following information: