Lab Notebooks
The following Lab Notebooks are intended as a record of how particular problems were solved at a particular time and not updated or maintained in any way to reflect current system setting or versions of installed software. If you are having a problem with software/topic addressed by one of these notebooks, they may provide a solution or at least a starting point, but there is no guarantee that worked here will work again.
- (2022-06-27) Lab Notebook: AntiSMASH installation with Conda
- (2022-09-20) Lab Notebook: PyMesh installation with Conda
- (2022-09-21) Lab Notebook: VisIt on HPCC
- (2022-09-23) Lab Notebook: Singularity --- Using an alternate OS
- (2022-09-24) Lab Notebook: Singularity Overlays
- (2022-09-28) Lab Notebook: HPCC via RStudio and GitHub
- (2022-09-30) Lab Notebook: ROS on HPCC
- (2022-10-03) Lab Notebook: Bactopia installaion with Conda and Mamba
- (2022-10-04) Lab Notebook: OnDemand --- Unable to click icons on the Interactive Desktop
- (2022-10-08) Lab Notebook: Praat installation and execution using Singularity Overlays on CentOS8
- (2022-10-10) Lab Notebook: OnDemand Interactive Desktop Error
- (2022-10-19) Lab Notebook: OpenVDB installaion with Conda
- (2022-10-19) Lab Notebook: TractSeg installation with Conda
- (2022-10-27) Lab Notebook: SFTP Mapping on HPCC File Systems
- (2022-12-07) Lab Notebook: OnDemand --- Bad Request from browser
- (2022-12-20) Lab Notebook: Conda --- Cleanning out your cache on HPCC
- (2022-12-20) Lab Notebook: SSHFS mapping on Windows
- (2023-02-07) Lab Notebook: NAMD --- Running on Multile Nodes
- (2023-02-07) Lab Notebook: WRF installation with EasyBuild
- (2023-02-09) Lab Notebooks: Rclone --- Example of copying folder from HPCC to MSU OneDrive
- (2023-02-16) Lab Notebook: CryoSPARC Installation on HPCC
- (2023-02-27) Lab Notebook: HRLDAS
- (2023-03-14) Lab Notebook: CRYSTAL23 --- Parallel submission script on the MSU HPCC
- (2023-03-14) Lab Notebook: VASP
- (2023-03-27) Lab Notebook: Mathematica --- Fixing Startup Errors
- (2023-04-04) Lab Notebook: OnDemand RunningMPIJobs
- (2023-05-04) Lab Notebook: Changes to srun for jobs with multiple CPUs per task
- (2023-05-18) Lab Notebook: EasyBuild PostgreSQL Installation
- (2023-06-30) Lab Notebooks: Jupyter --- Port-Forwarding Servers
- (2023-07-13) Lab Notebook: Ignoring Local Python Libraries
- (2023-07-18) Lab Notebook: AlphaFold 2.3.1 DEPRECATED
- (2023-07-18) Lab Notebook: MATLAB offload from localPC to HPCC
- (2023-08-02) Lab Notebook: Alternative Linux Shells on HPCC
- (2023-08-11) Lab Notebooks: Jupyter and MobaXterm--- Port-Forwarding Servers
- (2023-08-30) Lab Notebooks: Incident Report on System Slowdown due to I/O
- (2023-09-21) Lab Notebooks: Example home directory software install (with links to videos)
- (2023-11-03) Lab Notebook: Connecting to a Singularity container with VS Code
- (2023-11-09) Lab Notebook: Molpro Parallel
- (2023-11-10) Lab Notebook: AlphaFold 2.3.2 WorkInProgress
- (2023-11-21) Lab Notebook: Git in Research Spaces
- (2024-01-13) Lab Notebook: Sharing directories with other HPCC users
- (2024-06-13) Lab Notebook: CTSM Installation
- (2024-06-19) Lab Notebook: LM Studio Installation
- (2024-07-01) Lab Notebook: NewOS and OnDemand Workarounds
- (2024-08-07) Lab Notebook: RStudio Server Shows Blank or Gray Screen
- (2024-08-07) Lab Notebook: Running ggplot in R without X11
- (2024-08-28) Lab Notebook: Change to modules in SLURM jobs
- (2024-08-28) Lab Notebook: cuQuantum Installation and Usage
- (2024-09-05) Lab Notebook: Setting up a terminal with VS Code to connect to the HPCC
- (2024-09-16) Lab Notebook: PyTorch OnDemand Usage
- (2024-09-17) Lab Notebook: Common Machine Learning Tools on OnDemand
- (2024-09-24) Lab Notebook: Ollama Module
- (2024-09-25) Lab Notebook: Transitioning from Anaconda to Miniforge
- (2024-10-01) Lab Notebook: New ICER User Database Testing Requested (ColdFront)
- (2024-10-23) Lab Notebook: Architecture specific compilation
- (2025-01-13) Lab Notebook: How to use LLMs on the HPCC
- (2025-01-31) Lab Notebook: How to run RAG on the HPCC
- (2025-02-07) Lab Notebook: Load Custom Models in Ollama
- (2025-02-14) Lab Notebook: Beta Access to amd24 Cluster