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Virtual Help Desk by Microsoft Teams and Zoom

ICER offers virtual helpdesk office hours (every Monday and Thursday 1:00-2:00pm) online without walk-in. Users can reach us either through Microsoft Teams App or just a web browser.

Please click on the ICER Help Desk link . It will take you to the launcher web site of Microsoft Teams:

Microsoft Teams website

You can now choose to use a web browser or Microsoft Teams to access our Help Desk channel.

If you do not want to install and use Microsoft Teams, you can click on Use the web app instead to enter ICER Help Desk channel: Web browser showing Microsoft Teams interface with the Help Desk tab selected

If you would like to use Microsoft Teams but have not installed one in your computer yet, please click on Get the Teams app. If Microsoft Teams is installed already, you can click on Launch it now. If a "Launch Application" window pops out, choose Microsoft Teams to open our Help Desk channel link:

Launch Application window pop up with "Microsoft Teams" selected

Once you are in the channel, please ask your questions in the text bar located at the bottom of the window:

Microsoft Teams interface on the ICER Help Desk Channel Menu. In the text bar at the bottom, the sentence "I have a question about the HPCC" is entered.

Click on the Paper airplane logo button so we are able to see the message and help you. We can start a conversation and arrange a Zoom  Microsoft Teams camera logo Zoom's Microsoft Teams integration has been set up to start or join an instant meeting right from our conversation. You may enter "@zoom help" or type "@zoom" in the text bar and click on  Zoom logo Zoom to see a list of commands. To find out how to download or use Zoom, please visit the MSU Zoom page.