(2022-09-20) Lab Notebook: PyMesh installation with Conda
This is as a Lab Notebook which describes how to solve a specific problem at a specific time. Please keep this in mind as you read and use the content. Please pay close attention to the date, version information and other details.
Lab Notebook --- Installing PyMesh on HPCC using Conda (2022-09-20)
PyMesh is a code base developed by Qingnan Zhou for his PhD research at New York University. It is a rapid prototyping platform focused on geometry processing. PyMesh is written with both C++ and Python, where computational intensive functionalities are realized in C++, and Python is used for creating minimalistic and easy to use interfaces. Documentation for AntiSMASH can be found at https://github.com/PyMesh/PyMesh, but you will need to follow the instruction below to install AntiSMASH in your home directory on HPCC.
If you have not installed Conda in you home directory, see https://docs.icer.msu.edu/Using_conda/
Installing Pymesh
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Why not Pymesh 0.30
The version of Pymesh 0.3 on conda forge produces the following error when I try to import pymesh
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As far as I understand it, the GLIBC version is tied to the OS, so its not a s simple as importing another library. If for some reason version 0.3 is required, there are a couple of options, though they may be time consuming:
- Build PyMesh from source using the files from the github. There are a number of dependencies, so you might want to see if you can use a conda environment to install the dependencies
- Create a conda environment within an Singularity container of Centos8