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Transferring Data with OneDrive using Globus

Initial setup

Go to the Globus File Manager page and log in with your MSU credentials if necessary. For this example, we will transfer files between the ICER's HPCC and MSU OneDrive endpoints. First, make sure the "Panels" switcher in the top right corner is set to the middle option with two separate panels. Then, connect to your drive space on ICER's HPCC by choosing the collection "Michigan State University MSU ICER ms#hpcc msuhpcc" and entering the desired path. Then, in the search box, enter msu#onedrive.

Globus File Manager with red line under search

Select the endpoint msu#onedrive.

Globus Collection Search page showing msu#onedrive

At this point you may be asked for permission to allow Globus access to your OneDrive.

Globus file manager with msu#onedrive collection selected on right half of
screen. In the file window it shows Authentication Required with the
Continue button

Click Continue (blue button). Click on your MSU email address as the ID to access your MSU OneDrive.

Globus identity manager requesting your MSU ID

Then, Globus will request permissions to access your OneDrive. Read these carefully and if you agree, click Accept. If you deny these permissions, you will not be able to access your OneDrive via Globus.

Globus requesting permissions to access your OneDrive

You will once again see an authentication/consent section appear in the file manager. Click Continue again, and you will move to the Globus Credentials manager. Click Continue here to register your MSU ID as your OneDrive credentials.

Globus Credentials manager requesting that you register your credentials

Finally, Microsoft OneDrive will inform you of the permissions that Globus requires to access your OneDrive. Read these carefully and if you agree, click Accept. If you deny these permissions, you will not be able to access your OneDrive via Globus.

Microsoft listing required Globus permissions to access your OneDrive

You now can transfer files between your ICER HPCC drive space and your OneDrive space, and you will see their respective contents in a split screen. You can transfer folders and files using the two methods, 1) Drag and drop (not shown here), or 2) Transfer & Sync Options (orange oval and black arrow). Note the image shows msu#google as the endpoint, but the process is the same.

Globus File Manager with msu#hpcc collection on left and msu#google on right. msu#google is equivalent to msu#onedrive.
In the middle, the "Transfer & Sync Options" button is circled with an orange
oval. Immediately to its right is a "Start" button with a black arrow pointing
to it, and immediately below is a "Share" button with a purple arrow pointing
to it.

While it is possible to allow other users to access your collection from OneDrive if you change the permissions, it is not recommended for data security reasons.

Transferring from OneDrive shared files/drives

It is also possible to transfer files/folders that are in the "Shared" section of OneDrive. Globus by default shows your own OneDrive files, but you can access those shared files/drives by clicking the "up a level" button in the file browser circled in the following screen shot. The "Path" box should be just a single slash "/" and you will see "My files", "Shared" and "Shared libraries."

Globus File Manager showing msu#onedrive collection with Path set to "/".
Immediately below is the "up a level" button underlined in red used
to reach this path.