bi is a powertools program that provides innformation about user buy-in accounts on SLURM. For more information on buy-in accounts, see here. Running bi on its own will display your user name, any SLURM account your belong to and you default account:
$ bi
User: panchyni
Accounts: bioinformaticscore [ MaxJobs=520, MaxSubmit=1000 ]
scavenger [ MaxJobs=520, MaxSubmit=1000 ]
general [ MaxJobs=520, MaxSubmit=1000 ]
Default: general
A full description of arguments for bi can be found by accessing the help for the program by running "bi -h" on the command line (this information is also reproduced below)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314
$ bi -h
bi -h
bi [ -a <account> | -u <user> ]
bi -d [ -u <user> ]
bi -l [ -u <user> ]
-h | --help Display this help message
-a | --account <account> Display users and nodes of a buyin account
-u | --user <user> Display buyin accounts for this user
-d | --default Display only the user's default buyin account
-l | --list List jobs and usage status of buyin nodes