getexample is powertools program for downloading user examples for various programs installed on HPCC. Using getexample requires specifying an examplename
a list of which can be found by running getexample without any arguments (see below):
$ getexample
Download an HPC example:
getexample <examplename>
Where <examplename> is the name of the example you want to
download. This will create a directory named examplename which
you can cd into and read the README file for details (if one is
available) or read .qsub or .sb file for how the example is run.
You may submit the example with 'qsub *.qsub' or 'sbatch *.sb'.
For Example:
getexample helloworld
Possible example names:
abaqus_example cuda_hybrid Intro2Linux_Oct_2019 MATLAB_threadPool PETSc_example
ABySS DDT_examples Job_dependency MKL_benchmark Python_MPI
ADMB_example dmtcp_longjob LAPACK_example MKL_c_eigenvalues Python_numpy
affinity espresso_benchmark magma_example MKL_Example QuantumESPRESSO
Amber_example FFTW makefile_example MKL_FFTW R_parallel_examples
basic_array_job FI491 maker_MPI MKL_parallel SAS_example
blast fluentMPI MATLAB_basic mothur_example ScaLAPACK
blender_farm fortran_openmp MATLAB_compiler MPI_OpenMP_GPU simpleMatlab
BOOST_example FreeSurfer MATLAB_GPU MPI_pi STATA_array
bowtie gmp_mpfr MATLAB_many_jobs multi_variable STATA_example
brother_test helloHPCC MATLAB_parallel NAMD_example tbb_example
Clang_example helloMPI MATLAB_parameter_sweep OpenACC_example TotalView_MPI_example
CMakePackageExamples helloworld MATLAB_parfor openmp_exercise VASP_example
cuda intro2hpcc MATLAB_patternsearch PC2HPC XSEDE_MPI_WORKSHOP