Module changelog
Note: this is for CentOS system software and so not applicable to the new Ubuntu system.
- 2024-03-19 - Installation of moduel DFTB+/21.1 from source (Xiaoge Wang)
- 2024-03-04 - Installed Module: DMTCP Version: 3.0.0 (Craig Gross)
- 2024-03-04 - Installed Module: PAML Version: 4.10.5 (Craig Gross)
- 2024-02-21 - Manually added an enviroment variable that sets the path to the plugin folder (Nicholas Louis Panchy)
- 2024-02-20 - Installed Apache Spark and dependencies (Andrew Giles Fullard)
- 2024-02-16 - Installed Module: htop Version: 2.0.0 and NO dependencies (Craig Gross)
- 2024-01-31 - Installed Module: CGAL 5.5.2 (Andrew Giles Fullard)
- 2024-01-29 - installation of Trilinos/13.4.1-GCC-12.2.0. (Xiaoge Wang)
- 2024-01-26 - Partial install of Trilinos/13.4.1 by Xiaoge, work in progress (Nicholas Louis Panchy)
- 2024-01-26 - Updated BCFtools, GSL, and HTSlib for BCFtools 1.17 (Nicholas Louis Panchy)
- 2024-01-19 - Installed Module: Blender Version 3.4.1 and 1 dependency (Craig Gross)
- 2024-01-11 - added abaqus 2023.lua (Jim Leikert)
- 2024-01-04 - Julia 1.10 (Andrew Giles Fullard)
- 2024-01-03 - Change EasyBuild Version 4.8.1 configuration (Craig Gross)
- 2023-12-19 - Installed new version of Nextflow, 23.10.0 (Nicholas Louis Panchy)
- 2023-12-19 - Installed Module: Molpro versio 2023.2.0, source build and binaries (Nicholas Louis Panchy)
- 2023-12-19 - Installed Module: ESMF Version: 8.3.0 and 2 dependencies (Xiaoge Wang)
- 2023-12-18 - Installed Module: M4 Version: 1.4.19 and 1 dependency (Craig Gross)
- 2023-12-18 - Installed Module: VoyantServer Version: 2.6.10-Java-11.0.2 and NO dependencies (Craig Gross)
- 2023-12-14 - Updaed breseq(0.38.1) for a BioinformaticsCore Project (Nicholas Louis Panchy)
- 2023-12-14 - Added new versions of ulia (1.8.0,1.8.2,1.9.3) (Nicholas Louis Panchy)
- 2023-12-06 - Installed Module: htop Version: 2.0.0 and NO dependencies (Craig Gross)
- 2023-12-01 - Installation of GDB/13.2 and its dependency. (Xiaoge Wang)
- 2023-11-30 - Fix a path error of .lua file for module OpenMPI/4.1.1-gcccuda-11.1.0-11.4.0 (Xiaoge Wang)
- 2023-11-30 - added schrodinger 2023-4 module (Jim Leikert)
- 2023-11-21 - added mathematica 13.3.1.lua modulefile (Jim Leikert)
- 2023-11-16 - Installation of GROMACS/2023.1-CUDA-11.8.0 and its dependencies. (Xiaoge Wang)
- 2023-11-16 - Installation of OpenBLAS/0.3.23 (Xiaoge Wang)
- 2023-11-14 - reinstall PHP/8.2.12 with more extentions. (Xiaoge Wang)
- 2023-11-13 - Install module phoronix-test-suite and its dependency php/8.2.12. (Xiaoge Wang)
- 2023-11-06 - Add a warning message to the module file. This version only works on intel18 nodes. (Xiaoge Wang)
- 2023-11-02 - Installation of VASP/6.2.1 revised version. See RT #74184 for details. (Xiaoge Wang)
- 2023-10-30 - Remove the module HDF5 built with GCC toolchain (Xiaoge Wang)
- 2023-10-30 - Install HDF5/1.14.0 with toolchain gompi/2023a (Xiaoge Wang)
- 2023-10-30 - Create a toolchain gompi/2023a (Xiaoge Wang)
- 2023-10-30 - Installation of HDF5/1.14.0. (Xiaoge Wang)
- 2023-10-30 - Install libevent/2.1.12 and PMIx/4.2.4 for dependency of OpenMPI/5.0.0-CUDA-12.3.0. But there is some issue. Use bundled module instead. (Xiaoge Wang)
- 2023-10-30 - Installation of libpciaccess/0.17, a dependency of OpenMPI/5.0.0-CUDA-12.3.0. (Xiaoge Wang)
- 2023-10-30 - Installation of hwloc/2.9.1, a dependency of OpenMPI/5.0.0-CUDA-12.3.0. (Xiaoge Wang)
- 2023-10-30 - Installation of libfabri/1.18.0, a dependency of OpenMPI/5.0.0-CUDA-12.3.0. (Xiaoge Wang)
- 2023-10-30 - Installation of UCX/1.14.1, a dependency of OpenMPI/5.0.0-CUDA-12.3.0. (Xiaoge Wang)
- 2023-10-30 - Installation of libxml2/2.11.4, dependency of OpenMPI/5.0.0-CUDA-12.3.0. (Xiaoge Wang)
- 2023-10-30 - Installation of module numactl/2.0.16, which is a dependency of OpenMPI/5.0.0-CUDA-12.3.0 (Xiaoge Wang)
- 2023-10-30 - Installation of module OpenMPI/5.0.0-CUDA-12.3.0 (Xiaoge Wang)
- 2023-10-29 - Installation of module pkg-config/0.29.2 (Xiaoge Wang)
- 2023-10-29 - Installation of module GCC/12.3.0 (Xiaoge Wang)
- 2023-10-29 - installation of CUDA/12.3.0 (Xiaoge Wang)
- 2023-10-27 - Modify the lua file to fix the issue of installation paths of CUDA/8.0.44 with intel tool chain. (Xiaoge Wang)
- 2023-10-26 - Finished Rust 1.70 install (Nicholas Louis Panchy)
- 2023-10-26 - Finished Trinity 2.15.1 install (Nicholas Louis Panchy)
- 2023-10-25 - New EasyBuild with updated easyblocks for recent software builds (Nicholas Louis Panchy)
- 2023-10-25 - New alphafold singularity image and support scripts (Nicholas Louis Panchy)
- 2023-10-25 - Parts of the GCC 12.3.0 tool chain for the incomplete build of Rust 1.70 (Nicholas Louis Panchy)
- 2023-10-25 - Additional parts of the Trinit 2.51.1 build (Nicholas Louis Panchy)
- 2023-10-25 - Updated bioinformatics software for incompleted build of Trinity 2.15.1 (Nicholas Louis Panchy)
- 2023-10-18 - install elbencho/2.0-3 with CUDA support (Xiaoge Wang)
- 2023-10-13 - testing push (Joel)
- 2023-10-13 - testing push (Joel)
- 2023-10-11 - Installation of Nektar++ and OrthoFinder (Xiaoge Wang)
- 2023-10-06 - Add module gffcompare/0.10.6 (Xiaoge Wang)
- 2023-10-04 - reinstall OrthoFinder/2.5.4 with explicitly add MAFF as dependency (Xiaoge Wang)
- 2023-10-03 - Flow3d 2023R1 file cleanup (Jim Leikert)
- 2023-10-02 - Build OrthoFinder module verion 2.5.4 with Scipy-boundle version 2019.10-Python-2.7.16 to fix the issue in the version built with Scipy-boundle version 2019.10-Python-3.7.4 (Xiaoge Wang)
- 2023-09-27 - libaio/0.3.112 is installed as the dependcy of module elbencho/2.0-3 (Xiaoge Wang)
- 2023-09-27 - elbencho is a distributed storage benchmark for files, objects & blocks with support for GPUs (Xiaoge Wang)
- 2023-09-27 - added flow3d 2023R1 (Jim Leikert)
- 2023-09-22 - Module file of LAMMPS/2Aug2023-Python-3.9.6 (Xiaoge Wang)
- 2023-09-22 - Module file of LAMMPS/2Aug2023-kokkos. (Xiaoge Wang)
- 2023-09-22 - Added two new versions of RSEM/1.3.3 and associated software. New builds support updated versions of the STAR aligner. (Nicholas Louis Panchy)
- 2023-09-21 - changed license server info for ansys v. 16,18,19 (Jim Leikert)
- 2023-09-21 - added converge 3.0.28 ompi/impi module files (Jim Leikert)
- 2023-09-14 - Install JAGS/4.3.1 (Compatible with R/4.2.1) (Craig Gross)
- 2023-09-09 - New install (Xiaoge Wang)
- 2023-09-09 - New install (Xiaoge Wang)
- 2023-09-09 - New install (Xiaoge Wang)
- 2023-09-09 - New install (Xiaoge Wang)
- 2023-09-08 - New install (Xiaoge Wang)
- 2023-09-08 - New install (Xiaoge Wang)
- 2023-09-08 - new install. (Xiaoge Wang)
- 2023-08-31 - Added WPS module, companion to WRF (Nicholas Louis Panchy)
- 2023-08-31 - Add a path to fix the error. (Xiaoge Wang)
- 2023-08-29 - new install (Nanye Long)
- 2023-08-28 - Install RStudio-Server/2022.07.02 (Craig Gross)
- 2023-08-22 - add NextDenovo lua (Nanye Long)
- 2023-08-22 - VASP built with VTST tools. (Xiaoge Wang)
- 2023-08-21 - Add hwloc dependency to OpenMPI/2.1.2 (Craig Gross)
- 2023-08-17 - New installation of a dependent (Xiaoge Wang)
- 2023-08-17 - added tecplot360 2023R1 (Jim Leikert)
- 2023-08-09 - SciPy-bundle built with foss-2022b and associated tools for unfinished R/4.3.1 (Nicholas Louis Panchy)
- 2023-08-09 - More of the foss-2022b install fromthe the unfinished R.4.3.1 install (Nicholas Louis Panchy)
- 2023-08-09 - Installed AnsysEM 2023R2 (Andrew Giles Fullard)
- 2023-08-09 - Installed (some) of foss-2022b as part of unfinished R.4.3.1 install (Nicholas Louis Panchy)
- 2023-08-07 - Initial commit (Andrew Giles Fullard)